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 1. Mark Simkin  Torture debate divides Republicans  AM - November 7 
 2. Charles and Mary Beard  08 - IXC. Jeffersonian Republicans: Republicans Nationalized  History of the United States, Part III 
 3. Program narration:Denise Manzari~Segment producers:Melinda Tuhus~Executive Producer:Scott Harris~Music:Mikata  BETWEEN THE LINES Prosecuting Bush Officials for Authorizing Torture Christpher H. Pyle, author, Getting Away with Torture Producer: Scott Harris   
 4. Alex Jones  Alex Jones and Jesse Ventura - Torture is Torture  Waking Jonah 
 5. Daylight Dies  The Line That Divides  No Reply   
 6. Formication  The Line That Divides The Earth From The Sky  Redux 
 7. Brian McMahon  Issue That Divides the World  Revelation Promises Hope 
 8. Emilia  radical republicans m3  08.06.07 
 9. Lil' Wayne Juelz Santana  Black Republicans  Rizoh's Radio  
 10. Heather Wokusch  How the Republicans Could Win It All Back in 2008  Podcasts 
 11. Nas Feat. Jay Z  Black Republicans mp3hustle.com   
 12. Radio E  Republicans in Northern Irelan  Network Europe 
 13. Mark Levine  Faith and Fraud: How Republicans Got Religion   
 14. U.Va Center for Politics and Hotline  Seeing Red: What's Next for the Republicans - American Democracy Conference 2005  U.Va Podcasts 
 15. Randy Lewis  Johnson, Republicans suffer from irony deficiency  Georgia Political Digest 
 16. Charles and Mary Beard  07 - IXB. Jeffersonian Republicans: Republican War for Commercial Independence  History of the United States, Part III 
 17. America's Future Foundation  Election 2006: Do Republicans Deserve to Lose? - October 16, 2006  AFF Roundtable Podcast 
 18. King Khan & The Shrines  Torture  The Supreme Genius of 
 19. Future Rock  Torture  2006.08.25 Camp Bisco V: Hunter Mountain  
 20. King Khan and the Shrines  Torture  The Supreme Genius of  
 21. Radio Nizkor  torture  UN - IRCT written statement on Torture before the 61st. session of the UNCHR 
 22. King Khan and the Shrines  Torture  The Supreme Genius of  
 23. Red Hot Chili Peppers  Torture Me  Stadium Arcadium   
 24. Hermine  Torture  Obey The New Wave (1980 and all that - UK DIY, etc)  
 25. The Cure  Torture  Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me  
 26. Antoine Faucon  Torture  Sous-terrain 
 27. Special Forces  Torture  World Domination LP 12" 
 28. Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza  I Torture Myself  I Torture Myself : 8/24/04, show #326 
 29. King Khan & The Shrines  Torture  The Supreme Genius of  
 30. Andrew Bird  Self-Torture  eMusic Exclusive  
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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